Business Partners

Business partners in Grand Eko Agrar are :

  • Institute for Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pančić" Belgrade
  • Vincha Institute of mushrooms
  • Institute for Economics in Agriculture, Belgrade
  • Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad
  • Institute for Animal Zemun
  • Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade
  • Faculty of Agriculture Belgrade
  • Veterinary Faculty, Belgrade
  • Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad
  • Melissa farm Apatin
  • Information and marketing center of Moscow
  • Institute of experimental medicine and biotechnology, Samara, Russian Federation

  • Serbian Academy of Sciences of Belgrade innovation

  • Grand Eko Agrar supports the implementation of the concept of the "Tesla Tower in Belgrade," which is the holder of the Serbian Academy of Sciences of innovation. More about this project can read and see on the site of Tesla's tower in Belgrade:

    Their ideas, suggestions and assistance for the implementation of Tesla's tower in Belgrade you can provide via the forum Tesla tower:

    Register on this forum:

    Fitostemin-WP® Plant vaccines for higher yields of all crops
    FITOSTEMIN-WP is a plant vaccine, to increase the yield of all crops by 10 - 20%, tested in four scientific home and gave 11-23% yield increase. Now is a unique product in the world, because no one has developed a vaccine for HERBAL yield increase.
    Detoxin-V®Herbal product for body detoxify of the animals
    It allows the body to the animals for themselves bind mycotoxins and other toxic substances, and through them the urinary and digestive tract of animals is excreted outside the body, and thereby does not affect the useful component of animal feed.
    The largest dairy goat milk in
    Europe in the field
    In Dairy we expect total of 30,000 dairy cows with an average of 4 milk yield L / day.To a total daily production of 120,000 liters of milk. Production would be carried out by the French-Swiss-Italian technologies and the technology of strategic partners. In the factory to achieve a daily production of 80-10 tons of high-quality cheeses.
    READ MORE >>>
    Truffle production in
    controlled conditions
    Our company in cooperation with business partners from Belgrade has developed a manufacturing process of black and white truffles in a controlled environment. Anyone interested in this profitable product can appear on:
    Phone: +381 66 84 00 218