Program for energy production from biomass This program provides for the production of green energy using biomass resources obtained as a by-product of agriculture, forestry, and other technological processes. We note that our view that the biomass can be produced and used for energy purposes only if the products of the degraded surface of ground or surface that are not brought to agricultural culture. Biomass obtained as a by-produced with poljoprivradnih arable land is necessary to use in the production of organic fertilizer to ensure healthy food and exclude the import and application of fertilizers. A large energy potential of wind rose from Carpathians
The so-called wind rose covers the whole Vojvodina, Serbia and the eastern part of Sumadija.
Implementation of the project with the wind fields based on the most advanced magnetic technology - of company Grand Energy Plant of wind energy from Serbia brought half the electricity that brings us the Serbian part of the hydroelectric Iron Gate, which was really great upeh and profitable investment.
Wind generators of
magnetic technology
These magnetic generarori the latest technology because they can use the wind speed from 1.5 to 40 m/s, which is over 50% of the time.
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Using this energy can only be accepted if the biomass is produced on degraded and non-agricultural lands.
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