Business Partners

Business partners in Grand Pharmaceutical Company are :

  • Institute for Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pančić" Belgrade
  • Vincha Institute of mushrooms
  • Institute for Economics in Agriculture, Belgrade
  • Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad
  • Institute for Animal Zemun
  • Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade
  • Faculty of Agriculture Belgrade
  • Veterinary Faculty, Belgrade
  • Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad
  • Melissa farm Apatin
  • Information and marketing center of Moscow
  • Institute of experimental medicine and biotechnology, Samara, Russian Federation

  • Serbian Academy of Sciences of Belgrade innovation

  • Grand Pharmaceutical Company supports the implementation of the concept of the "Tesla Tower in Belgrade," which is the holder of the Serbian Academy of Sciences of innovation. More about this project can read and see on the site of Tesla's tower in Belgrade:

    Their ideas, suggestions and assistance for the implementation of Tesla's tower in Belgrade you can provide via the forum Tesla tower:

    Register on this forum:

    Psoryherb® - preparation for treatment of psoriasis
    Herbal product use in patients suffering from eczema and psoriasis as a cosmetic preparation for skin care.

    Detoxin-H® effectively
    detoxify the human body
    DETOXIN-H is a complex herbal and mineral components, their properties shall adsorption of toxins, bind them to itself, thus preventing reabsorption, and thus through the urinary and digestive tract, secreting toxins from human body. READ MORE>>>
    Dijabetal® - Herbal medicine
    for regulating blood sugar
    Dijabetal is composed of plant components in the form of dry extract, plant species from the Serbian and Chinese herbal preparations farmakopeje.Delovanje this is based on the ability to control blood sugar metabolism. READ MORE>>>
    Potentil® 1 & 2 Herbal medicine
    for improvement of potency
    This product enhances the peripheral blood circulation in genital organa.Jača libido and potency in men and women.
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    Feroplant® Herbal supplement for anemia
    Feroplant is recommended to boost immunity against anemia and exhaustion after illness. READ MORE>>>
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    Osteoplant® Herbal medicine for treatment of osteoporosis
    This product is ideal therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis, joint stiffness, pain in bones and muscle cramps and injuries of bone and joint system.
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    KOENZIM Q-100
    Koenzim Q-100 je biljni preparat za jačanje imunog sistema, i regeneraciju ćelija u organizmu.


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